Cardiology Clinic


Holter Monitor

Holter monitor testing is an “ambulatory” electrocardiogram (EKG) that measures and records your heart's electrical activity for 24-48 hours as you go about your daily routine. The monitor is a lightweight, battery-operated device that is worn on a strap over the shoulder or arou…

Electrocardiogram (EKG)

An electrocardiogram – or EKG – is a diagnostic test that measures the electrical activity of the heartbeat and is used to identify problems that may reflect underlying heart conditions. To perform the test, the technician will gently clean ten areas on the patient’s chest …

Sestamibi Stress Test

A Sestamibi stress test is a is a nuclear test performed while your heart is stressed, either by having you exercise or injecting a medicine that makes your heart beat harder and faster. Before the test, the patient is injected with a small amount of a radiotracer material. The doctor will u…

Exercise Treadmill Stress Test

For an Exercise Treadmill Stress Test (ETT), a technician will gently clean 10 small areas on the patient’s chest and place small, flat, sticky patches, called electrodes, on them. The electrodes are attached to an electrocardiogram (EKG) monitor that charts the heart's electrical acti…

EECP Therapy

Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) is a treatment that uses several blood pressure cuffs on both legs to gently, but firmly, compress the blood vessels and boost blood flow to the heart. Inflation and deflation of the cuffs are electronically synchronized with the heartbeat and blood …

Carotid Ultrasound

A Carotid ultrasound test uses high-pitched sound waves to evaluate carotid arteries (the arteries in your neck). The speed and direction of blood in your arteries can be seen on a video screen. Carotid ultrasound testing is done to look for blocked or narrowed carotid arteries as the cause …

Telephonic Pacemaker Check

The Telephonic Pacemaker Check is for patients with pacemakers, regular monitoring is required to make sure the device is working properly and not causing problems. Your doctor can perform routine pacemaker checks remotely, by phone.

Cardiac Catheterization

Cardiac catheterization is performed in a hospital setting. A thin, flexible tube (catheter) is inserted at the arm, groin or neck area and threaded through blood vessels into the heart. The insertion area is numbed, and the patient is given medication to help relax. Catheterization is used …


An echocardiogram (also called an echo) is a type of ultrasound test that uses high-pitched sound waves to evaluate your heart. The sound waves create “echoes” that convert to moving pictures of your heart projected on a video screen. There are different types of echocardiogra…

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